Powerful Toxicity Analysis

Effortlessly analyze toxicity data in minutes.
Advanced tools, simple interface.

Start your 15-day free trial today.

The universities, companies, and institutions that participated in the development of ToxStatista.

An easy-to-use yet powerful tool for estimating ecotoxicity and toxicity endpoints

Simplify your workflow with ToxStatista. Just input your data, choose an analysis method, and let the software handle the rest. Automatically generate comprehensive PDF reports, complete with all essential information and graphs.

Save Time Performing Algae and Cyanobacteria, Growth Inhibition Test Analysis and Reporting

Simply input your raw data and study information, then click the estimation button. ToxStatista will automatically generate comprehensive PDF reports, complete with all essential information and graphs as shown below.

  • Validity of the test analysis results for limit tests and definitive tests.
  • Tables showing growth inhibition and yield inhibition over the entire test duration.
  • Estimates of EC10, EC20, and EC50, along with their associated 95% confidence intervals for response variable.
  • Estimates of LOEC and NOEC, along with the statistical methods used for their determination .
  • Graphical presentation of concentration/effect relationship, etc.

Daphnids reproduction test can also be easily analyzed for the 6 items required by the Test Guideline in this way

  • Adult mortality
  • First reproduction day
  • Total live young
  • Total immobile or dead young
  • Adults length (mm)
  • Adults dry weight (mg)

Point Estimation for Calculating LCx, ECx, LDx, and ICx values

The optimized analysis method is suggested based on the characteristics of the input data, and the following analysis methods are supported.

  • Moving-Average Angle Method.
  • Spearman-Karber Method.
  • Trimmed Spearman-Karber Method.
  • Probit Method.
  • Logit Method.
  • Inhibiting Concentration for a (specified) percent effect (ICp).

Hypothesis Testing for Estimating NOEC and LOEC values

The ToxStatista offer a full suite of advanced statistical methods for hypothesis testing with just a few clicks, all without the need for programming knowledges. We are committed to continuously expanding our range of analytical methods to meet the needs of our users.